Glowtxt new font style examples

Some examples of the new font styles added to Glowtxt

Note: The text colours/textures are just an example, you can choose from 8 different colours for each text styles. With at least 80 fonts, thats 640 different combinations.

Also, with the “Glow Effect” option set to “Super”, you can change the background colour to any colour you choose, and it will appear as a glowing border around the text.

All styles can also be used with the “Pulse” and “Sweep” animated text options.

New updates to Glowtxt text generator

Glowtxt text styles

New features were added to

The layout of Glowtxt was improved a little and controls made bigger, also, the following new features/updates were added:

  • Added over 20 new text styles
  • Added new XXL text size option
  • Tidied up controls and made them more phone/tablet friendly
  • Added more phone-friendly screens for downloading, get web codes, and preview background options
  • Added extra International unicode fonts, and auto-detect font selection for some languages
  • Updated fonts for “fruityfresh”, “oh hai”, “purple” and “substance” as it wasn’t clear if they were freely available for commercial use
  • New FAQ pages containing answers to more than 40 questions
  • Increased “Make Comment” max. width to 650 pixels wide
  • Better cropping of extra empty space around edges of text images
  • Much improved visual quality of text when “Glow Effect” is set to “None”, compared to before
  • Text now automatically updates after changing the background colour, also you can now press enter after typing a hex colour code into the boxes and it will update; also fixed a problem where you couldn’t enter the hex code underneath the colour swatch on iPhone/iPad
  • Other minor adjustments, fixed some washed out textures, improved quality of animated GIF colour palette
  • Updated font list page with all fonts used